Apple Events and Hypercard 2.1. This posting contains source code for sending all the core apple events (open doc, open app, close app, print doc) as well as code to get info about coercion handlers. I've also included a brief set of hints to help with HC and apple events.
Also included as a stack and a bunch of XFCNS (source code I talked about above) that will send all the events. Stack provides a pretty bland interface to the XFCNs. But, hey, it works.
This stuff is freeware. Use the code, stacks, etc. I would like to retain copy-right (ie -- this isn't in the public domain) but all are welcome to use the code, use little bits, etc. with out crediting me. Best of luck, etc.
OH. Hey -- you will need System 7 to use Apple Events, and HC 2.1 to use the XFCNs. It also helps (a lot!) to have Inside-Mac Vol 6.
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